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Baby Hazel Dental Care spel voor meisjes

toegevoegd op 15 Oct 2013 786 speeltijden 1 speler, Kinderen, Meisje, Baby, HTML5, Mobiel, iPhone, iPad, Touchscreen, Tandarts, Baby Hazel

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It is time for Baby Hazel to go for a dental check up and learn all about oral hygiene. Yes, it is because of the sweet candies she ate all the time. She has a servere toothache which needs treatment. As her mom is not at home, Baby Hazel needs someone help to go to Dentist. Can you be the one to help her? Quickly take her to the clinic for a checkup and listen to dentist's advice carefully. Bring her back home and handover her to mom.


This game is played with mouse only.

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Deze game maakt deel uit van de reeks :Baby Hazel

Baby Hazel Dental Care
Baby Hazel Dental Care
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